The types of Teeth and their Functions.
Teeth are one of the strongest parts of the body. They are made from protein like collagen and minerals like calcium. They not only help you to chew even the toughest food, but also help you to speak clearly. The role of teeth in our life is important and living life without it is difficult.
The teeth are of four types in the oral cavity mentioned below in this article.
Incisors – The four front teeth located both in upper and lower jaws are known as incisors. The purpose of incisors is to cut the food into small parts. The incisor present on both the side of the midline is known as central incisors. The two teeth adjacent to the central incisor is known as lateral incisors. The incisors have a single root and shape an incisal edge.
Canines – In the oral cavity there are four canines. Two of them are present in the maxillary arch and two in the mandibular area. They are located behind and adjacent to the lateral incisors. The function of canines is to tear the food and has had a single root. The root of canines is the longest root in comparison to another tooth. Even they serve to form the corners of the mouth.
Premolars (Bicuspids) – These teeth are located adjacent to the canines and function to crush the food. In the oral cavity, the total number of premolars are eight two in each quadrant of the mouth. The first premolar is one close to the midline and another one farthest from the midline is the second premolar. The teeth can have a total number of 4 cusps. In the maxillary first premolar, there are only two roots, and the remaining premolars have a single root.
Molars – The molar is the most posterior teeth in the mouth. They have broader and flatter surfaces with 4-5 cusps. The functionality of molars is to grind the food. The molars are of two types is Mandibular molars and another one is Maxillary molars. Mandibular molars have 2 roots. Maxillary molars have 3 roots located behind the second premolars. The number of molars in the permanent dentition is 12 with three in each quadrant of the mouth. Sometimes the molars do not develop completely in the people’s mouth. But the people who have molars to bear the pain while erupting. Another name of the molar is wisdom teeth. The primary dentition only contains eight molars. So, these are the types of teeth present in the mouth. The main function of the teeth is to eat and chew the food. If these teeth are not incorrect shape or position then Invisalign in Clarendon Hills, Invisalign in Hinsdale, Clarendon Hills Invisalign is provided by the orthodontist.
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